Error codes
If a server can not process a request, the HTTP invocation-error header will contain the error code. Besides, the response contains the details in the JSON format.
Error | Code | Description |
UNKNOWN | 1 | Unknown error |
SERVICE | 2 | Service temporarily unavailable |
METHOD | 3 | Method does not exist |
REQUEST | 4 | Failed to process the request, as it is incorrect |
ACTION_BLOCKED | 7 | Requested action is temporarily blocked for the current user |
FLOOD_BLOCKED | 8 | Method execution is blocked due to flood |
IP_BLOCKED | 9 | Method execution is blocked by IP address due to suspicious activity of the current user or due to other restrictions extending on this method |
PERMISSION_DENIED | 10 | Permission is denied. A possible cause – the user did not authorize the application for the execution of the operation |
LIMIT_REACHED | 11 | Request call limit is reached |
CANCELLED | 12 | Operation is canceled by the user |
NOT_MULTIPART | 21 | Non multi-part request when adding photos |
NOT_ACTIVATED | 22 | The user must activate their account |
NOT_YET_INVOLVED | 23 | The user is not involved in the application |
NOT_OWNER | 24 | The user is not the owner of the object |
NOT_ACTIVE | 25 | Notification delivery error. The user is inactive in the application |
TOTAL_LIMIT_REACHED | 26 | Notification delivery error. Notification limit is reached |
NOT_ADMIN | 50 | The user does not have administrative rights to execute this method |
PARAM | 100 | Missing or incorrect parameter |
PARAM_API_KEY | 101 | The application_key parameter is not indicated or indicated incorrectly |
PARAM_SESSION_EXPIRED | 102 | Session key has expired |
PARAM_SESSION_KEY | 103 | Invalid session key |
PARAM_SIGNATURE | 104 | Invalid signature |
PARAM_RESIGNATURE | 105 | Invalid resignature |
PARAM_ENTITY_ID | 106 | Invalid discussion identifier |
PARAM_USER_ID | 110 | Invalid user identifier |
PARAM_ALBUM_ID | 120 | Invalid album identifier |
PARAM_PHOTO_ID | 121 | Invalid photo identifier |
PARAM_WIDGET | 130 | Invalid widget identifier |
PARAM_MESSAGE_ID | 140 | Invalid message identifier |
PARAM_COMMENT_ID | 141 | Invalid comment identifier |
PARAM_HAPPENING_ID | 150 | Invalid event identifier |
PARAM_HAPPENING_PHOTO_ID | 151 | Invalid event photo identifier |
PARAM_GROUP_ID | 160 | Invalid group identifier |
PARAM_PERMISSION | 200 | Application cannot execute this operation. In most cases, the cause is the attempt to access the operation without the user’s authorization |
PARAM_APPLICATION_DISABLED | 210 | Application is disabled |
PARAM_DECISION | 211 | Invalid choice identifier |
PARAM_BADGE_ID | 212 | Invalid badge identifier |
PARAM_PRESENT_ID | 213 | Invalid present identifier |
PARAM_RELATION_TYPE | 214 | Invalid relation type identifier |
NOT_FOUND | 300 | Request information is not found |
EDIT_PHOTO_FILE | 324 | Error when processing a multi-part request |
AUTH_LOGIN | 401 | Authentication failure. Invalid username/password or authentication marker or the user is deleted/blocked |
AUTH_LOGIN_CAPTCHA | 402 | Authentication failure. Captcha must be entered to verify the user. |
AUTH_LOGIN_WEB_HUMAN_CHECK | 403 | Authentication failure |
NOT_SESSION_METHOD | 451 | Session key is indicated, but the method must be called outside the session |
SESSION_REQUIRED | 453 | Session key is not indicated for a method that requires a session |
CENSOR_MATCH | 454 | Text is rejected by a censor |
FRIEND_RESTRICTION | 455 | Operation cannot be executed, as a friend has set a restriction on it (put it on the black list or made their account private) |
GROUP_RESTRICTION | 456 | Operation cannot be executed, as the group has set a restriction on it |
UNAUTHORIZED_RESTRICTION | 457 | Unauthorized access |
PHOTO_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | 500 | The size of binary content of the image in bytes exceeds the limit |
PHOTO_SIZE_TOO_SMALL | 501 | Image size in pixels is too small |
PHOTO_SIZE_TOO_BIG | 502 | Image size in pixels is too big |
PHOTO_INVALID_FORMAT | 503 | Image format cannot be recognized |
PHOTO_IMAGE_CORRUPTED | 504 | Image format is recognized, but the content is corrupted |
PHOTO_NO_IMAGE | 505 | No image found in the request |
PHOTO_PIN_TOO_MUCH | 508 | Too many pins on the photo |
IDS_BLOCKED | 511 | Anti-spam check error |
PHOTO_ALBUM_NOT_BELONGS_TO_USER | 512 | An attempt to use an album or a photo that does not belong to the indicated user |
PHOTO_ALBUM_NOT_BELONGS_TO_GROUP | 513 | An attempt to use an album or a photo that does not belong to the indicated group |
MEDIA_TOPIC_BLOCK_LIMIT | 600 | Too many “media” parameters |
MEDIA_TOPIC_TEXT_LIMIT | 601 | Text length limit is reached |
MEDIA_TOPIC_POLL_QUESTION_TEXT_LIMIT | 602 | Poll question text length limit is reached |
MEDIA_TOPIC_POLL_ANSWERS_LIMIT | 603 | Too many answers to the poll |
MEDIA_TOPIC_POLL_ANSWER_TEXT_LIMIT | 604 | Poll answer text length limit is reached |
MEDIA_TOPIC_WITH_FRIENDS_LIMIT | 605 | Limit of marked friends is reached |
MEDIA_TOPIC_WITH_FRIENDS_USER_LIMIT | 606 | Limit of marked friends is reached (user-specific) |
GROUP_DUPLICATE_JOIN_REQUEST | 610 | Group join request is already registered |
COMMENT_NOT_FOUND | 700 | Comment is not found |
INVALID_AUTHOR | 701 | An attempt to edit a comment that does not belong to the user |
COMMENT_NOT_ACTIVE | 702 | An attempt to edit a deleted commentName Code Description |
TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED | 704 | Editing timeout is exceeded |
CHAT_NOT_FOUND | 705 | Chat is not found |
MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE | 706 | An attempt to edit a deleted message |
NO_SUCH_APP | 900 | Returns when trying to get open information for a non-existing application |
CALLBACK_INVALID_PAYMENT | 1001 | Error is returned by the application server to notify about incorrect information on transaction |
PAYMENT_IS_REQUIRED_PAYMENT | 1002 | Payment is required to use the service |
INVALID_PAYMENT | 1003 | Invalid payment transaction |
DUPLICATE_PAYMENT | 1004 | Payment requests are too frequent |
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY | 1005 | The user account does not have enough money |
VCHAT_SERVICE_DISABLED | 1101 | Video chat is disabled |
TARGET_USER_UNAVAILABLE | 1102 | The user is unavailable for video-chat or video message |
FRIENDSHIP_REQUIRED | 1103 | The indicated user must be a friend |
BATCH | 1200 | Batch call error |
APP_NO_PLATFORM_ALLOWED | 1300 | Platforms for the application are notset |
APP_DEVICE_NOT_ALLOWED | 1301 | The indicated device is not available |
APP_DEVICE_NOT_SPECIFIED | 1302 | Device is not indicated |
APP_EMPTY_SEARCH_PARAMS | 1400 | Location search error |
APP_SEARCH_SCENARIO_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 1401 | Location search error |
GRAPH_PARAM_REQUEST: Wrong request format | 2001 | Invalid POST-content type (Graph API). Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 should be specified |
SYSTEM | 9999 | Critical system error. Notify the support service |
Additional codes for error 100 “invalid parameter”
Returns error_data in the field, in this case the field error_field contains the name of an invalid parameter.
Name | Code | Description |
NOT_NULL | 1 | Parameter must be indicated |
NOT_EMPTY | 2 | Parameter must not be empty |
IS_EMPTY | 3 | Parameter must be empty |
MAX_ELEMENTS | 4 | Restriction on the number of elements |
MIN_LENGTH | 5 | Parameter is too short |
MAX_LENGTH | 6 | Parameter is too long |
MIN_VALUE | 7 | Parameter value is too small |
MAX_VALUE | 8 | Parameter value is too big |
RANGE | 9 | Parameter value must be in the indicated range |
BAD_SYMBOLS | 10 | Parameter value contains invalid symbols |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:error_response xmlns:ns2="">
<error_msg>PARAM_API_KEY : No application key</error_msg>
"error_code" : 100,
"error_msg" : "PARAM : Either session_key or uid must be specified",
"error_data" : "1",
"error_field" : "uid"