This chapter contains the links that API will return in order to ask client to navigate to the appropriate page of mobile application.
Deep link | Page |
/profile/[User ID] | User’s page |
/profile/[User ID]/statuses/[Status ID] | Page of media-topic or user’s status |
/profile/[User ID]/topic/[Topic ID] | Media-topic page |
/profile/[User ID]/pphotos/[Photo ID] | User’s personal photo |
/profile/[User ID]/album/[Album ID] | User’s photo album |
/profile/[User ID]/album/[Album ID]/[Photo ID] | User’s photo from album |
/profile/[User ID]/pymk | People That You May Know |
/profile/[User ID]/friends/common | Mutual friends with given user |
/profile/[User ID]/import?type=contacts | Import from phone’s contact list |
/profile/[User ID]/import?type=vk | Import from social network |
/messages/[User ID] | Messaging with given user |
/apphook/friends | List of friends |
/apphook/friends?screen=requests | List of friendship requests |
/[User ID]/achievements | My achievements |
/group/[Group ID]/album/[Album ID]/[Photo ID] | Photo in album of group |
/group/[Group ID]/album/[Album ID] | Photo album of group |
/group/[Group ID] | Group’s page |
/group/[Group ID]/topic/[Topic ID] | Topic in the group |
/group/[Group ID]/topics | List of topics in the group |
/group/[Group ID]/members | Members of the group |
/group/[Group ID]/requests | Requests to join into group |
/app/[App ID или Short Name]?custom_args=…&refplace=… | HTML game or application |
/external/store/android/[Store ID] | Navigation to the install page of application in Google Play |
/external/store/ios/[Store ID]/[Short name] | Navigation to the install page of application in Apple Store |
/sendPresent/[Present type]?or=[Origin] | Selection of recepient for selected gift |
/sendPresent/[Present type]/user/[User ID]?or=[Origin] | Sending given present to given user |
/gifts?or=[Origin]&bId=[Banner] | Gift store |
/gifts/[Category]?or=[Origin]&user=[User ID]&bId=[Banner] | Sending gift from given category to given user |
/gifts?or=[Origin]&user=[User ID]&bId=[Banner] | Selection of gift for the user |
/gifts?or=[Origin]&user=[User ID]&holiday=[Holiday ID] | Selection of holiday gift for the user |
/gifts?or=[Origin]&bId=[Banner]&search=[Search text] | Gift store (with search query) |
/present/[Present ID] | Viewing of received gift card |
/present/[Present ID]/unpack | Unpacking of received gift box |
/settings | Settings |
/help/ask | Questions for support |
/feedback | Questions for support |
/payment/service/[Service ID] | Purchase of given service |
/payment/p2p/incoming | Money transfers from other users |
/payment/p2p/outgoing | Money transfers to other users |
/payment/bill/[Bill ID]/accept | Confirmation of incomming bill |
/payment/purchase/ok | Purchase of OK virtual currency |
/video/[Video ID] | Video |
/music/track/[Music track ID] | Music track |
/music/playlist/[Music playlist ID] | Music playlist |
/hashtag/[Tag] | Searching for tagged content |
/mall/promoforfriends | “Promo for friends” game main page |
/mall/promoforfriends/[Round Id]/[From UserID]/[To UserID] | “Promo for friends” invite accept page |