
Method is deprecated. Games in messenger are currently disabled on all OK platforms

Send game state update message. For example user1 beats user2 high score.

fid true String

Friend id

text true String

Description of the update

state false String

Will be appended to custom_args

timeout true Integer

Remaining time till end of the game


Session is required

The application should has CHAT platform and platform param should be set to CHAT.


{ "create_date_ms": "long", "id": "String" }

Application paramters

User session data


List of paramters

Используем для подписи secret_key = session_secret_key
Используем для подписи secret_key = application_secret_key
Используем для подписи secret_key = MD5(access_token + application_secret_key)
secret_key =
Сортируем и склеиваем параметры запроса и secret_key
Рассчитываем MD5 от полученной строки и получаем параметр sig