Album description
Name | Description |
ADD_PHOTO_ALLOWED | An indication of whether adding photos to the album is allowed. If yes, ap flag is present in the response |
AID | Album ID. Can have a form different from numeric if the album is virtual, like, for example, an album with photo tags |
ALIAS | Localized album name |
AUTHOR_REF | Album owner |
BUBBLE_INFO | Bubble above album info |
CHECK_SENSITIVE_MAIN_PHOTO | An indication that the album cover photo has inappropriate content |
COAUTHORS_COUNT | Number of coauthors. Relevant for a shared album |
COMMENTS_COUNT | Number of comments |
COMMENT_ALLOWED | An indication of whether commenting is allowed. If yes, the c flag is present in the response |
CREATED | Creation date |
CREATED_MS | Creation date in milliseconds |
DELETE_ALLOWED | An indication of whether the album is allowed to be deleted. If yes, the d flag is present in the response |
DESCRIPTION | Album description |
LIKED_IT | Deprecated. Use LIKE_SUMMARY |
LIKE_ALLOWED | An indication of whether liking is allowed. If yes, the l flag is present in the response |
LIKE_SUMMARY | Information about likes, reactions and etc. |
MAIN_PHOTO | Information about album cover photo |
MODIFY_ALLOWED | An indication of whether the album is allowed to be modified. If yes, the m flag is present in the response |
MODIFY_PRIVACY_ALLOWED | An indication of whether the album’s privacy settings are allowed to be modified. If yes, the mp flag is present in the response |
PHOTOS_COUNT | Number of photos in the album |
PHOTO_BOOK_SETTINGS | Information about photo book settings. Relevant if the album is a photonics album |
PINS_ALBUM_TAG | The type of phototagged album. Relevant if the album is a phototagged album with |
REF | Album |
TITLE | Album name |
TYPE | Photo album visibility |
TYPES | Photo album visibility |
TYPE_CHANGE_ENABLED | An indication of whether changing the visibility of the photo album is allowed |
UNREAD | Deprecated |
USER_ID | Album owner ID |