
Get your application’s statistics. This data also is available in an application stats.

id true String

Statistics type:

  • application_ltv_external - LTV statistics;
  • application_notification_external - notification statistics;
  • application_retention_external - user retention statistics;
  • application_arpu - ARPU statistics;
  • ad_shown_android - in-game ads on android platform statistics;
  • application_external2 - general user and payments statistics;
  • application_external4 - extended general user and payments statistics;
  • sessions_by_user_daytime_full - user sessions statistics;
  • app_video_adv_external - rewarded ads on mobile web and desktop web statistics;
  • interstitial_shown_browser - interstitial ads on android platform statistics;
  • application_ltv_basic_external - LTV statistics for basic installs;
  • application_installs_external - alternative version of installs statistics;
  • application_feature - place of your application in platform top.
periodType true String


  • DAY - statistics by day.
from true Date

Start of a period in yyyy-mm-dd format

to false Date

End of a period in yyyy-mm-dd format


Session is prohibited

Required permissions


Response data depend on what statistics type was requested.

Response contains two main objects:

  • fields - list of stat fields in data. Fields for each stat type are unique
  • data - list of stat records.

LTV stats - application_ltv_external

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
Total1intDay 1 users
Total2intDay 2 users
Total3intDay 3 users
Total7intDay 7 users
Total14intDay 14 users
Total30intDay 30 users
Returned2intDay 2 returned users
Returned3intDay 3 returned users
Returned7intDay 7 returned users
Returned14intDay 14 returned users
Returned30intDay 30 returned users
Amount1intDay 1 payments
Amount3intDay 3 payments
Amount7intDay 7 payments
Amount14intDay 14 payments
Amount30intDay 30 payments
Payers1intDay 1 payers
Payers3intDay 3 payers
Payers7intDay 7 payers
Payers14intDay 14 payers
Payers30intDay 30 payers
ts1intDay 1 time spent
ts3intDay 3 time spent
ts7intDay 7 time spent
ts14intDay 14 time spent
ts30intDay 30 time spent

Notification statistics - application_notification_external

Stats for these types of notifications is available - notifications.sendSimple, notifications.sendMass, user-to-user notifications, app invites.

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
NotificationUsersintUnique recipients of notifications.sendMass notifications
InstallUsersintInstalls from notifications.sendMass notifications
ClickUsersintClicks on notifications.sendMass notifications
SimpleUsersintUnique recipients of notifications.sendSimple notifications
SimpleInstallUsersintInstalls from notifications.sendSimple notifications
SimpleClickUsersintClicks on notifications.sendSimple notifications
InvitationUsersintUnique recipients of app invites
InvitationInstallUsersintInstalls from app invites
InvitationClickUsersintClicks on app invites
SuggestUsersintUnique recipients of user-to-user notifications
SuggestInstallUsersintInstalls from user-to-user notifications
SuggestClickUsersintClicks on user-to-user notifications

Retentions statistics - application_retention_external

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
Total1intDay 1 users
Returned1intDay 1 returned users
Total7intDay 7 users
Returned7intDay 7 returned users
Total30intDay 30 users
Returned30intDay 30 returned users

ARPU statistics - application_arpu

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
users7intDay 7 users
amount7intDay 7 payments
payers7intDay 7 payers
users30intDay 30 users
amount30intDay 30 payments
payers30intDay 30 payers
users90intDay 90 users
amount90intDay 90 payments
payers90intDay 90 payers

Android platform ads statistics - ad_shown_android

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
Callsintrewarded ads shows
IntermedCallsintinterstitial ads shows
BannerCallsintbanner ads shows

General statistics - application_external2

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
UniqueUsersintUnique users
InstallUsersintNew users
AmountintPayments count
PaymentsintPayments sum

General statistics v2 - application_external4

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
UniqueUsersintUnique users
InstallUsersintNew users
AmountintPayments count
PaymentsintPayments sum
SubAmountintSubscription payments count
SubPaymentsintSubscription payments sum

User sessions stats - sessions_by_user_daytime_full

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
averagedoubleAverage user session
mediandoubleMedian user session
95pdouble95p user session
usersintUsers count
sessionsintSessions count
SPUdoubleSessions per user

rewarded ads on mobile and desktop statistics - app_video_adv_external

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - mobile web, web - desktop web
ValueintRewarded ads shows

interstitial ads on mobile and desktop statistics - interstitial_shown_browser

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
WebCallsintInterstitial ads on Web shows
MobCallsintInterstitial ads on Mobile Web shows

LTV statistics for basic installs - application_ltv_basic_external

Basic install is an install from essential launch sources on OK. I.e. all launch sources on games main page are essential, banners and ads are not.

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
Total1intDay 1 users
Total2intDay 2 users
Total3intDay 3 users
Total7intDay 7 users
Total14intDay 14 users
Total30intDay 30 users
Returned2intDay 2 returned users
Returned3intDay 3 returned users
Returned7intDay 7 returned users
Returned14intDay 14 returned users
Returned30intDay 30 returned users
Amount1intDay 1 payments
Amount3intDay 3 payments
Amount7intDay 7 payments
Amount14intDay 14 payments
Amount30intDay 30 payments
Payers1intDay 1 payers
Payers3intDay 3 payers
Payers7intDay 7 payers
Payers14intDay 14 payers
Payers30intDay 30 payers

Alternative installs statistics - application_installs_external

This stat table contains installs after which app called any API method within a user session that was created after an install

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
InstallUsersintNew users

Application top place statistics. - application_feature

With this stat type you can get information about your relative place in platform top.

Each week 10 top applications are selected to be featured on main page. There are four groups of users with different tops (for web and mobile platforms):

  • male to 24 y.o.;
  • female to 24 y.o.;
  • male from 25 y.o.;
  • female from 25 y.o.

Base value (Ret14LTV14Ratio = 1) is an app placed on 10th place of a top.

Your app’s value is calculated as a percentage of base app’s ratio value.

If your apps value is >= 1 it should be selected as a featured app.

datedatetimeDate in yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS format
platformenumPlatform: mob - all mobile platforms, web - desktop web
genderintUser gender: 0 - male, 1 - female
ageenumUser age: <25 - to 25 y.o., >=25 - from 25 y.o.
Ret14LTV14RatiodoubleRet14*LTV14 value


{ "data": [ "Object" ], "fields": [ "String" ] }

Application paramters

User session data


List of paramters

Используем для подписи secret_key = session_secret_key
Используем для подписи secret_key = application_secret_key
Используем для подписи secret_key = MD5(access_token + application_secret_key)
secret_key =
Сортируем и склеиваем параметры запроса и secret_key
Рассчитываем MD5 от полученной строки и получаем параметр sig