Name | Type | Description |
abbreviation | String | |
access_type | GroupAccessType | |
address | String | |
admin_id | String | |
attrs | FlagsBean | |
auto_group_source | GroupAutoGroupSource | |
bookmarked | Boolean | |
business | Boolean | |
category | GroupCategory | |
city | String | |
comment_as_official | Boolean | |
community | Boolean | |
content_as_official | Boolean | |
country | String | |
cover | GroupCoverBean | Group cover |
created_ms | Long | |
description | String | |
disable_photo_upload | Boolean | |
disable_reason | String | |
disable_reason_tokens | MediaTextToken[] | |
end_date | Long[] | |
fake_news_tokens | MediaTextToken[] | |
feed_subscription | Boolean[] | |
followers_count | Integer[] | |
friends | UserInfoBean[] | |
friends_count | Integer[] | Number of friends who participate in this group |
gos_org | Boolean[] | |
graduate_year | Integer[] | Graduate year (ending of taking a part in a group) |
group_agreement | String[] | |
has_daily_photo | Boolean[] | |
has_group_agreement | Boolean[] | |
has_unseen_daily_photo | Boolean[] | |
has_unwatched_group_news | Boolean[] | |
homepage_name | String[] | |
homepage_url | String[] | |
is_hobby_expert | Boolean[] | |
location_id | Long[] | |
location_latitude | Double[] | |
location_longitude | Double[] | |
location_zoom | Integer[] | |
main_page_tab | GroupMainPageTab[] | |
main_photo | GroupPhotoBean[] | |
member_status | String[] | |
members_count | Integer[] | |
mentions_subscription | Boolean[] | |
messages_allowed | Boolean[] | |
min_age | Integer[] | |
mobile_cover | GroupMobileCoverBean[] | Mobile cover |
name | String[] | |
new_chats_count | Integer[] | |
notifications_subscription | Boolean[] | |
paid_access | GroupPaidAccessType[] | |
paid_access_description | String[] | |
paid_access_price | Long[] | |
paid_content | GroupPaidAccessType[] | |
paid_content_description | String[] | |
paid_content_price | Long[] | |
partner_program_status | String[] | |
phone | String[] | |
photo_id | String[] | |
photos_tab_hidden | Boolean[] | |
picAvatar | String[] | |
pin_notifications_off | Boolean[] | is this group allowed to send notifications to user regarding user’s face found on group photo |
possible_members_count | Integer[] | |
premium | Boolean[] | |
private | Boolean[] | |
products_tab_hidden | Boolean[] | |
profile_buttons | ProfileButtonBean[] | |
recommendation_source | GroupRecommendationSourceBean[] | |
ref | String[] | |
request_sent_date | Long[] | Date when group join request was sent |
revenue_pp_enabled | boolean[] | |
rkn_mark | ApiRKNRegistryMarkBean[] | |
role | String[] | |
scope_id | String[] | |
share_link | String[] | |
shortname | String[] | |
show_group_news | Boolean[] | |
start_date | Long[] | |
status | GroupStatus[] | |
subcategory | String[] | |
subcategory_id | String[] | |
tags | String[] | |
transfers_allowed | Boolean[] | |
uid | String[] | |
user_paid_access | GroupMemberPaidAccess[] | |
user_paid_access_till | Long[] | |
user_paid_content | GroupMemberPaidAccess[] | |
user_paid_content_till | Long[] | |
video_tab_hidden | Boolean[] | |
who_can_comment | GroupCommentPermission[] | |
year_from | Integer[] | |
year_to | Integer[] |