Statistical data about group topic
Name | Description |
COMMENTS | The number of topic comments |
COMPLAINTS | The number of complaints about topic |
CONTENT_OPENS | The number of opened in-topic content (videos, photos) |
CREATED_MS | Topic time creation |
ENGAGEMENT | The number of users who entered the group, viewed the content and left feedback at least once over the last week |
EXTERNAL_ID | External topic id |
FEEDBACK | Last week number of people who have commented, liked or shared a publication at least once for the last |
FEEDBACK_TOTAL | All time number of people who have commented, liked or shared a publication at least once |
HIDES_FROM_FEED | The number of times topic was hidden from user’s feed |
ID | Topic id |
LIKES | Amount of topic likes |
LINK_CLICKS | The number of link clicks |
MUSIC_PLAYS | The number of plays of music published in topic |
NEGATIVES | The number of negative reactions (hides, complaints) |
PROMO_FROM | Start of the promo period |
PROMO_TO | End of the promo period |
REACH | The number of users to whom the content of the group has been shown at least once over the last week |
REACH_EARNED | The number of non-member users to whom the post was shown at least once |
REACH_OWN | The number of group member users to whom the post was shown at least once |
RENDERINGS | The total number of topic renderings |
RENDERINGS_EARNED | The number of topic renderings among non group members |
RENDERINGS_OWN | The number of topic renderings among group members |
RESHARES | The number of topic reshares |
VIDEO_PLAYS | The number of plays of a video published in topic |