Rewarded ads

Thanks to the in-game advertisement, developers can monetize their games by showing ads to the game audience and receiving rewards. It does not include any promotion of your game on OK.

Ad impressions will not be counted until you have entered into a contract.

To count ad impressions and receive rewards for them, you have to enter into the contract. Contact OK Games team in a moderation task for this.

All impressions that happened PRIOR TO entry into the contract will not be counted, and you will not receive rewards for them.

When enabling the ad monetization in your game, you need to comply with rules and recommendations on placing ads in games on the OK platform

There is an additional source of monetization for applications on OK: in-game rewarded ads.

With the help of our SDK, the developer can get an advertising clip to show the user in the game, offering in-game currency or other bonuses for viewing that were only available after a purchase. Let’s say, there’s an in-app resource that is spent when playing the game. It slowly recovers over time or can be purchased for real money. However, the user can receive a small amount of it when viewing video ads.

The user must always have a choice: to watch the ad or refuse to do so.

This type of monetization is supported in all applications that work on both the web version of our portal (WEB applications) and on the mobile version of OK (Instant applications).

To implement in-game rewarded ads in your game, use methods that work for all OK platforms and are listed below:

Reward amount and statistics

Rewards that you will receive for users viewing your ads depend on the amount of ads that will be viewed in your game within a month.

They also depend on the platform where you display ads: for example, views on Android are counted separately from views on all other platforms. You can view the current reward sum for 1,000 ad impressions on every platform here:

We register the current amount of ad impressions, and you can view the current state of this metric on the game statistics page:

  • Advertisement -> Ad views in the browser: for ads on the desktop and the mobile web version (including iOS);
  • Advertisement -> Ad views on the Android platform: for ads on Android.