The descriptor of field sets to return from server to client. It is used to minimize the traffic and server load.
Name | Type | Description |
achievement | FieldSets$AchievementBeanFields | |
achievement_type | FieldSets$AchievementTypeBeanFields | |
advert | MediaTopicBeanFields | The field set for advertisement entity. |
album | UserPhotoAlbumBeanFields | The field set for album entity. |
app | ApplicationBeanFields | The field set for application entity. |
attachment_audio_rec | AudioAttachmentBeanFields | The field set for attachment audio record entity. |
attachment_movie | VideoBeanFields | The field set for attachment movie entity. |
attachment_photo | PhotoAttachmentBeanFields | The field set for attachment photo entity. |
attachment_topic | TopicAttachmentBeanFields | The field set for attachment media topic entity. |
banner_map | BannerMapFields | |
block_small_pictures | BlockSmallPicturesFields | |
block_text | BlockTextFields | |
catalog | CatalogBeanFields | The field set for catalog entity. |
challenge | ChallengeFields | |
chat_icon | ChatIconBeanFields | The field set for chat icon entity. |
comment | CommentBeanFields | The field set for comment entity. |
control_button | ButtonBeanFields | The field set for control button entity. |
control_category | CategoryBeanFields | The field set for control category entity. |
control_checkbox | CheckboxBeanFields | The field set for control checkbox entity. |
control_object | ObjectBeanFields | The field set for control object entity. |
control_text | TextBeanFields | The field set for control text entity. |
conversation | ConversationBeanFields | The field set for conversation entity. |
daily_challenge | DailyPhotoChallengeFields | |
daily_media | DailyMediaFields | |
delay_holiday_event | DelayHolidayEventFields | |
discussion | DiscussionBeanFields | The field set for discussion entity. |
dzen_article | DzenArticleField | |
email_confirm | EmailConfirmationBeanFields | The field set for e-mail confirmation entity. |
feed | FeedBeanFields | The field set for feed entity. |
feedback_action | FeedbackActionBeanFields | The field set for action on feedback event |
feedback_event | FeedbackEventBeanFields | The field set for feedback event |
friends_presents | PresentsSummaryBeanFields | The field set for friend presents entity. |
group | GroupBeanFields | The field set for group entity. |
group_album | GroupPhotoAlbumBeanFields | The field set for group photo album entity. |
group_photo | GroupPhotoBeanFields | The field set for group photo entity. |
happening | HappeningBeanFields | The field set for happening entity. |
happening_photo | HappeningPhotoBeanFields | The field set for happening photo entity. |
hobby | HobbyField | |
holiday | HolidayBeanFields | The field set for holiday entity. |
like | LikeFields | |
like_summary | LikeSummaryFields | The field set for like summary entity. |
mall_product | FeedMallProductBeanFields | |
markup_text | MarkupTextBeanFields | The field set for markup text entity. |
marusya_skills | MarusyaSkillsBeanFields | |
media_text_token | MediaTextTokenFields | |
media_topic | MediaTopicBeanFields | The field set for media topic entity. |
media_topic_template | MediaTopicTemplateFields | |
message | MessageBeanFields | The field set for message entity. |
mood | MoodBeanFields | The field set for mood entity. |
more_like_this | MoreLikeThisFields | |
motivator | MediaTopicMotivatorBeanFields | The field set for motivator entity. |
motivator_config | MediaTopicMotivatorConfigBeanFields | The field set for motivator configuration entity. |
music_album | MusicAlbumBeanFields | The field set for music album entity. |
music_artist | MusicArtistBeanFields | The field set for music artist entity. |
music_playlist | MusicPlaylistBeanFields | The field set for music playlist entity. |
music_track | MusicTrackBeanFields | The field set for music track entity. |
mutual_data | UsersMutualDataFields | |
newbie_interest | NewUserInterestFields | |
news | NewsField | |
notif_category | CategoryBeanFields | The field set for notification category entity. |
notif_category_count | CategoryCountBeanFields | The field set for notification category count entity. |
notif_mass_button | MassButtonBeanFields | The field set for notification mass operation button entity. |
notif_mass_button_notif_list | MassButtonNotifListBeanFields | The field set for affected notifications list in notification mass operation button entity. |
notif_mass_operation | MassOperationBeanFields | The field set for notification mass operation entity. |
notif_toast | NotifToastBeanFields | |
notification | NotificationBeanFields | The field set for notification entity. |
offer | FeedOfferBeanFields | |
photo | UserPhotoBeanFields | The field set for photo entity. |
photo_tag | PhotoTagFields | The field set for photo tag entity. |
place | PlaceBeanFields | The field set for place entity. |
poll | PollBeanFields | The field set for poll entity. |
present | PresentBeanFields | The field set for present entity. |
present_notification | PresentNotificationBeanFields | The field set for present notification entity. |
present_notification_confirm_result | PresentNotificationConfirmResultFields | The field set for notification confirmation result entity. |
present_type | PresentTypeBeanFields | The field set for present type entity. |
push_notif_changed | PushNotifChangedBeanFields | The field set for push notification changed entity used in WebSockets API. |
pymk | PymkFields | |
relationship | RelationshipFields | The field set for relationship entity. |
reshare_summary | ReshareSummaryFields | The field set for reshare summary entity. |
settings | SettingsTypeFields | The field set for settings entity. |
share | ShareBeanFields | The field set for share entity. |
share_fetch | FetchLinkBeanFields | The field set for share fetch entity. |
short_product | ShortProductBeanFields | The field set for short product entity. |
showcase | ShowcaseSectionFields | |
showcase_item | ShowcaseSectionItemFields | The field set for showcase item entity. |
showcase_promo | ShowcaseSectionPromoFields | |
stat_overview | StatGroupOverviewFields | The field set for statistics overview entity. |
stat_people | StatGroupPeopleFields | The field set for statistics people entity. |
stat_topic | StatTopicBeanFields | The field set for statistics topic entity. |
stat_trends | StatGroupTrendsFields | The field set for statistics trend entity. |
status | EntityStatusBeanFields | The field set for status entity. |
sticker | StickerBeanFields | The field set for sticker entity. |
sticker_set | StickerSetBeanFields | The field set for sticker set entity. |
theme | ThemeBeanFields | The field set for theme set entity. |
topic_propagation | TopicPropagationFields | The field set for topic propagation entity. |
user | UserInfoField | The field set for user entity. |
user_album | UserPhotoAlbumBeanFields | The field set for user album entity. |
user_app | UserApplicationRestBeanFields | The field set for user application install entity. |
user_badge | UserBadgeField | |
user_photo | UserPhotoBeanFields | The field set for user photo entity. |
user_relation_info | UserRelationInfoFields | The field set for user relation entity. |
video | VideoBeanFields | The field set for video entity. |
video_advertisement | VideoAdvertisementBeanFields | The field set for video advertisement entity. |
video_channel | VideoChannelBeanFields | The field set for video channel entity. |
vk_clips | VkClipsMovieBeanFields | |
vk_groups | VKGroupField | The field set for group entity in the vk.* category method responses |
vk_users | VKUserField | The field set for user entity in the vk.* category method responses |