The field set of action on a feedback event
apps.setAppRating method response
apps.getAppUserRating method response
Subscription description
appext.photoSetGetPhotos method response
Information about a photo from a photoset
Top of friends
One friend for a top of friends
Description of possible action in notification.
Description of possible action in notification.
Description of category element of client UI.
The counters for notification category.
Description of checkbox element of client UI.
Description of possible action of mass operation on many notifications.
Descriptor of effect on list of notifications when mass operation is executed.
This object contains information about mass operation on many notifications. This information should be displayed in UI on the client.
This structure describes the notification.
This structure represents object or entity which usually can be visualized as square avatar and has deep link for navigation to page in client application with detailed information about given object.
This is structure which contains displayable text.
This is structure which contains displayable text.
Miniapp application description required to run it
This is information about server changes in notification list. It is passed from server to client via WebSocket API.
Response of a method of acquiring an URL to upload a file to chat graph.user.fileUploadUrl
BotApi subscription
Short application description
Short application description
Info about default user profile cover
Object containing entities
Badge to display on game’s card
Data about group photo album
Album description
Information about user profile cover image
Entity type
User profile cover
Weather forecast
Weather forecast for the period in days
Discussion types
Dzen article feed sent in json to the client.
Data for Dzen image displaying.
Data for Dzen images displaying in various views.
Information about the author of the Zen article.
Application permissions
Application platforms
List of places to go to the game
The field set specifies fields that could be returned in response for a feedback.
Email confirmation portlet bean
Group cover change event
Hobby switch feed
Feed with an event of user profile cover being changed
Present sending feed
Present sending comments feed
Main phone portlet bean
Enumeration for actions of Hobbie’s switch feed buttons
Hobbies switch feed
Present sending feed
Feed feedback form object to render
Item description
Data about group photo album
Fields for group photo album
Feed header block descriptor
Information about a group for displaying a link for it
Information about a user for displaying a link to them
Part of text in post, photo or video.
Question with answers for the motivator
Basic viral button (used by the majority of motivators)
Carousel of images user can choose from when posting the topic
Carousel image
Represents music album.
Represents music album.
Music album that perfectly matches to search request.
Describes musician.
Describes musician.
Music artist that perfectly matches to search request.
The result of sending the notification
Method notifications.sendMessage response
Method vk/notifications.sendMessage response
Information for phone verification scenario for given phone
Information about phone verifications route or scenario (combo of routes)
PhotoBook settings. You can get available settings via photoBook.getDesignSettings method
Offset of a photo
Album description
Album description
Pending registration data
Abstract response with true/false
Api response base class
Topics are composed from blocks. This block types are supported by search.
Represents short link
Statistical data about group topic
Friend from a top of friends
Top of friends
Type of top of friends
The descriptor of field sets to return from server to client. It is used to minimize the traffic and server load.
Album visibility. Wherever a list containing elements of such type is used, it is interpreted as a user filter with its elements joined by logical OR, for example [CLASSMATE, RELATIVE] means “available to users which are classmates or relatives”.
Email confirmation status info
EmailConfirmationBean fields
Hashtag search filter
User data fields
Information for accessing a live stream
Information about a video
Video subscription payment information
Information about statistic pixel
Information about statistic pixel parameter
Information of stream orientation change
Chat event type for bot api subscriptions